
Companies I've worked with.


What's your current tech stack?
I mainly work with Next.js, React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, but I am not limited to any specific stack. I use tools that are right for the job, and it just happens that Next.js does a great job at most things I work on. I am a nostalgic lover of OOP and sometimes use Nest.js, just for the sake of writing pretty and clean code. I also like to self-host things, either on the cloud (AWS, Vercel) or on my bare metal.
Why do you have this blog?
I learn the most from writing about it. I also forget a lot of things that I have learned, which is why I write about it. My articles are usually as short as possible because that's what I have always preferred. I hated reading articles that explained every little detail or definition. I prefer to read about the big picture and then delve into the details on my own. I also hate marketing and SEO bullshit, so you won't find any of that here - mostly solutions to problems I've faced or other thoughts and notes.
How can I contact you?
I would love to hear from you (unless you're asking me for a job - I don't hire!).
You can contact me on LinkedIn, Twitter, or via email (contact ät, or you can stalk me on GitHub or Instagram